Featured news and articles from our community.
Below you'll find articles about our involvement in the community, news from our branches, and practical financial tips.
Create a Budget You Can Stick To
Something powerful often happens when you begin keeping track of how much you earn and spend week after week and month after month. Maybe it’s because you gain a better understanding of exactly how much money you have coming in and going out. That awareness can – and often does – lead to better spending and savings habits. Here are tips for creating a budget you can stick to in the new year.

Lower the Heat
Winter is right around the corner, which means it’s time to start focusing on your heating bills. If you use gas to heat your home, inflation is going to make things tough. According to a study from the Energy Information Administration, you’ll likely spend about 30 percent more on heating costs this winter. No matter how you heat your home, there are ways to reduce the expense. Here are some tips that should help.

5 Tips for Home Buying
Buying your first home can be complicated. You don't have experience, so you'll need these tips, and you'll need to learn which mistakes to avoid. Learn more about our home buying tips.